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   WHO AM I   

Like I said, me llamo Reba. Some people like Rebs, Rebster and an occasional Ms. McEntire. I grew up on a farm with over 1,000 cows in central Minnesota. So I guess that makes me a farm girl. Ironically enough, I have never driven a tractor by myself. Shucks...


Speaking of growing up, I have a pretty neat family. My mom and dad are rockstar parents who love the Lord, and as an overflow they love one another and our family very well. I come in as child number two of seven sassy kids. The three youngest are adopted from China. So, you could say that it is never a dull moment at home...I mean never. 


During May 2014, I graduated from the University of Northwestern - Saint Paul with a degree in Mathematics Education and a minor in Bible and Spanish. What a gift it has been to study at a university where knowing Jesus is central to their mission as an institution. God has used this school to help me know Him more and connect me to some pretty nifty people. 


I have the coolest husband who changed my name on July, 29, 2016. He's a delight to walk through life with and explore this wonderful country. The Lord is good to give me the gift of marriage. We knew each other before coming to Korea. Dan & I spent a year teaching at the same school. Once I left the school we started dating and were married a year later. #newlynelson #salonekhasSeoul #nelsonhasSeoul


There is so much more I'd love to share. But I'll make my stop right there. It is my desire to use this blog thing to share evidences of God's grace while in South Korea.  I am so stoked to continually trust God and His sovereignty. Also, I think it will be neat to look back in 10 years (Lord willing) at what I was thinking during this time. So please join me as I navigate and process South Korea, teaching, relationships and ect. (The "ect." is meant to be sorta like a cliff hanger.)


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