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Hey ho, let’s go…to South Korea. Coming the end of July, I will be packing my bags and heading to the land of Korea. God has graciously provided a teaching position at Southlands Christian School International in Bundang, South Korea. I am delighted to trust the Lord as I make the move.

Am I going solo? Nope. I will be going over with a few friends from the Minneapolis area. I have come to know these peeps through a sweet college ministry & there are some pretty neat people, who have been there for a year, that I know.

Why Korea? Great question. There are so many answers that come to mind. To keep this straight and to the point, I get excited about the gospel of Jesus Christ going forth, education (specifically math), and learning about different cultures. I have come to realize that these three passions do not need to be separated. Rather, you get “a traveling teacher”. Like how I put the blog title in there? I thought it was pretty clever. Hopefully, I can expand on this in future posts.

There are two thoughts that run through my head as I think about the decision to teach in South Korea:

1. Wow, we serve and incredibly gracious, patient, and loving God. During Christmas time, my wonderful mom (brownie points) and I were talking about post-grad life. Did I just say post-grad life? Oh wow, that just made it more real. Anyway, she encouraged me to rejoice in the opportunities that God has placed before me. This has stuck with me like glue. I can so quickly go into “freak-out mode” and forget the grace God provides daily. The Lord walks with me always. This is such a sweet reality.

2. I am still a little apprehensive about venturing to South Korea. I’d love to say that the transition from home to South Korea will be simple and easy. But, it may not be. I’d love to say that I’m not going to miss my family like crazy. [Go to the About and just look at them]. Now that your back…wouldn’t you miss them too? I’d love to say that I’m not going to miss the incredibly sweet relationships I have built here. I’d love to say that I’m not going to miss a lot of things. But I will, and I’m ready to process these realities and trust the Lord. Straight up trust that God is legitimately a mi lado siempre. No post is complete without a little Spanish.

Please feel free to share topics or things you’d like to know about. To be honest, this whole writing this is not my forte. But I love the people in my life and want to keep them updated in some way.

By His grace,


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