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It’s about time for a little update.

Goodbye friends

This summer has been a sweet time of relaxing at the cabin, laughing with & at my family, getting too much sun, occasionally working, chatting with dear friends and most recently saying goodbye. As well as minor moments of freaking out about the fact that I’m heading to SOUTH KOREA to teach for a year.

Silly siblings

My dad, bless his heart, has taught me a lot about life. He has encouraged me to focus on what I know when there are a lot of things that are unknown. Here are some things I do know amidst several unknowns. I’m a list person, so here it goes.

1. God is so good. I do not feel the mass of nerves that I had anticipated. It is such a grace from God that He would give me confidence as I walk forward in this decision to teach. Please pray that I would recognize His sufficient grace daily.

2. I will head out mid August. I am unsure of the exact date at this point.

3. Hot off the press, I have the privilege of teaching fourth graders. My youngest sister will be entering the fourth grade. So that’s pretty neat. Pray for the students I will be teaching. My desire is that they would know Jesus personally, and the incredible love He has for them. Pray that I would be a vessel of His love, grace and patience.

4. I just purchased a years worth of deodorant. How did I know how much to purchase, you ask? Well, I didn’t. So I asked a random woman shopping at Target how many she uses in a year. Thank you random woman.

5. I have the joy of going over to South Korea with five people from the Minneapolis area. We have been meeting as a team. We are stoked to make the move to Korea, learn to teach and trust Jesus all the way. We get to team up with three neat Minnesotans who’ve been there for a year. They have been an incredible help, support and voice of reason as we have navigated this past year. Praise God that He has placed these people in our life. Pray for them as they begin their second year teaching.

6. I just bought a watch. My mother said it looks like a “total mom watch”. Whatever that means. Personally, I think it looks classy.

7. A friend of mine who teaches in Korea taught me how to say the place I will be living (Bundang = poon-dahng). This whole time I have literally been saying it bun-dang. Like hot dog bun and dang…like oh dang. Let’s just say my Korean can only go uphill from here.

8. I am stoked to be a part of Seoul Covenant Church soon.

9. I am completely aware that I have so much to learn about and from the Korean people.

10. I ate ramyun (Korean ramen) a few nights ago, and it was good.

Much love,



For all you Ben Rector lovers, here is a picture of a sailboat.

Because let's get real, we all feel like a sailboat every once in a while.

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