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Warning: This one is a little long.


I have indeed made it safely to Korea. Thank you all for your continual prayers and support. What a blessing you are to me!

Today marks the fourth day in Korea. It still seems unreal that this is my new home. I’m sure it will be this way for a while. Let me give you a little update about what the first few days have been like.

Welcome to Korea

Thursday - we safely arrived in Korea at about 3:45 pm. The flight was great and getting through customs went well. We met another American while standing in line to go through customs. She has been here before and was coming back to do a study abroad. It was sweet to hear her passion for learning Korean as well as hear some quick tips for living in Korea. One of which was to not speak to loud on the subway.

A SCSI (my school) staff member picked us up at the airport. We were greeted with a hello and walked outside to van waiting for us. Uufta, it was hot and humid. We then took an hour and a half car ride back to our hotel. My senses were on overload. New sites, smells, sounds. We arrived and brought out belongings into the apartment. We then met up with three of the teachers from school. They brought us out to dinner and a grocery trip for the essentials. They were very welcoming. After, I got back to the apartment and settled in. I ended up unpacking everything that night.

My apartment

A photo of my aparment. I'll upload more later!

Friday - we went to school and started getting the classrooms ready. First day of school is this Monday. Woah nelly, talk about extreme-makeover-classroom edition. The other teachers did graciously start getting the classroom before I got there. Which I am so incredible grateful for. The teachers at this school are super great. They have been so welcoming and willing to help.

There is this incredible, gracious, patient, and helpful couple from our school. They have really taken us under their wing. So for all of you readers, please thank the Lord for them. They have honestly been such a great support. They have such a sweet willingness to help us understand this new place. On Friday night, they took us out for dinner. We had this delicious dish called Dak Galbi (I think). My goodness, it was so good. It reminded me of lettuce wraps. It comes in a big fry pan, and you take can put it on lettuce with onions, garlic and another sauce. So far, this has been my favorite dish. We were sitting outside and heard a concert near by. We walked down the block and listened to the music for a little bit. They then took us to a dollar store. Well, it’s similar to a dollar store only the items range from one to five dollars (1,000 to 5,000 won).

Outside our apartment

This is directly outside of my apartment building. Signs everywhere!

Saturday - we went back to school and completed more preparations in the classroom. It was nice to have another day to tie the classroom together. Though, I feel like I have a ways to go. I have enough prepared for this next week!

The same couple took us on our first subway experience. Again, I cannot believe how helpful and caring they have been. I’m blown away. We went to a place about two stops away from us. Our stop is called MiGeum. We then went to a Korean mall and ate in the food court. I ordered some Indian curry. How fitting…I know! We then were brought to a place called E-Mart. It’s similar to Target or WalMart. It was so helpful to get a tour of the place and pick up a few items. It was so kind of them to show us around.

Sunday - I woke up around 7:30 am. Jet lag is quickly being defeated! Woohoo. I was able to speak with my family, which was very nice. My proudest moment today was going to Diaso (that dollar store)…ALL BY MYSELF. I am quickly understanding that a lack of knowing the language transforms the shopping trip into a treasure hunt. For example, I was looking for magnets. Who knew they would be so hard to find. Today, I was not successful in my trek to find the magnet. Maybe next time…or I’ll just learn the word.

Funny Rug

This was a funny rug I found in Diaso.

We are headed to Seoul Covenant Church today. We are excited to reuinte with some of the other Minnesotans!

Please know that I am being very well taken care of here. Praise the Lord for the grace He is continually showing. Though parts of these first days have been tough (maybe a few tears), I am confident in the promises of God. His promise to be with me has been such a sweet reality.

Much love,


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