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I started this blog post about a week ago and never finished it. Oops. At that point, I had 5 students, but due to some changes in my school I now have 2 students. Long story short, the teachers at my school are going with the flow. I would love prayer for guidance and wisdom as I teach my current students.

“Ms. Salonek, mosquitoes think I am delicious.” - Student

“Okay guys, let’s go! Quick like a bunny!” - Ms. Salonek

“But, Ms. Salonek, we are not bunnies.” - Student

I laugh everyday due to my students saying something I would never expect. A week ago, I had five students in my class. Five students who are taught me more than they know, and hopefully I am doing the same. (One can only hope!) To help you as a reader and myself as an inexperienced blogger, I’m going to do the list thing. So here we go.

  • Teaching is hard & I love it. Literally, you get to have one really long conversation about the world around you. Everyday. Teaching is tough because we all know that boring conversations are well…boring. As a teacher, I get excited about inviting and engaging the kids, so that they begin to question and build their understanding. Each student converses differently. The challenge is to pin point their style and give them tasks where they can use their strengths to help them learn.

  • I am incredibly grateful for my coworkers, teachers and cooperating teachers from Minnesota. During student teaching, my cooperating teachers expressed the importance of trying new things and being okay with FAILING. What. I said failing. Yep. Failing has taught me that God can alone bring understanding. Also, it has taught me to constantly evaluate what I do, and how I can do it better. Rather than, trying to do it perfectly the first time. Uufta, this is tough.

  • I am in Korea. Okay, this one is a little weird. But I had this realization moment a few days ago. I was walking through the subway and smiled. This was the first time I wasn’t anxiously looking at the subway app on my phone or at the signs around me. I knew where I was going. That, my friends, is a nice feeling. Now, I just need to get the language down & I’ll be golden.

  • I joined taekwondo with a few of my coworkers. Yes, I did. Oh my lanta, it is something else. As I write, I am just giggling because everything about it is great. First, the instructor does not speak English. At. All. This makes the whole experience much more raw and real. Second, the people are SO KIND. I have felt so welcomed and cared for in this group. Which was not what I necessarily expected. The head master person often asks if the “foreigners” are okay. It is the sweetest thing. They are quick to help us understand and fix our punches and kicks. As you can imagine, WE NEED ALL THE HELP WE CAN GET.


The foreigners.

  • Homesickness is real. About two weeks ago, it came on strong. The reality was setting in that this isn’t a vacation. I live here. Through this, God has taught me that He is truly all that I need. So often, it is easy for me to depend on people. God is showing me He alone satisfies. Why does God alone satisfy? Because He made me and knows my needs. Last week, my students and I were talking about how God is all-knowing, and how He knows the number of hairs on your head. One surprised student asked, "So God knows my better than my parents?!" That is an amazing reality. In addition to that, God has provided some sweet community here with the church and people from my school. What a grace it is to be surrounded by people that love Jesus!

This song had been my jam lately. Check it out.

  • I celebrated my first international birthday with sweet friends. I was feeling the love here in Korea and from back home. My lovely parents asked some of my good friends here to deliver flowers on their behalf. It was so nice. I may have cried tears of joy. Typical.

  • The rest are photos because I like photos.

Park Fountian


Flower power.


I couldn't resist them in the grocery store. Oh America.


One of the perks about Korea is reading the awkward English phrases.


A dear friend!

First Wedding

First Korean wedding!

Mega love,


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